
You may want to read the extension documentation if you have questions about how extensions work


Create an extension & implement onSourceFileFound or another function.

1. Define your regex(es)

protected $regex = [  
    'wrappedGenericBlock' => [ // 'wrappedGenericBlock' is the function to call  
        // 'function'=> 'functionName' <- to override the regex set's name  
        //For this regex: $1 is the key, $2 is the code, $3 is the @export_end line  
        '/\ *(?:\/\/|\#)\ *@export_start\(([^\)]*)\)((?:.|\r|\n)+)\ *(?:\/\/|\#)\ *(@export_end\(\1\))/',  
        // You can list additional regexes here  

2. Write your onMatch function(s)

 *  @param $name The name of the matched regex set  
 *  @param $match an individual preg_match_all match, using PREG_SET_ORDER ([0] is full match. [1] is capture group & so on)  
 *  @param \Tlf\Scrawl\File $file The file that was matched on. Or null if not given to Regex::matchRegexes()  
 *  @param $info an array of additional information. print_r(array_keys($info)) or look at the docs  
 *  @export(Regex.onMatchBlock)  
public function wrappedGenericBlock($name, $match, ?File $file, $info) {  
        $exportBlock = $match;  
        $key = $exportBlock[1];  
        $code = $exportBlock[2];  
        $exportLine = $exportBlock[3];  
        $code = Utility::trimTextBlock($code);  
        $this->scrawl->addOutput('key', $key, $code);  

3. Call Regex Utility

public function onSourceFileFound($file){  
    \Tlf\Scrawl\Regex::matchRegexes($this, $this->regex, $file);  

The $info array

$info = [  
    'matchList'=>$matches, // Array of all matches  
    'lineStart' => -1, // (not implemented, @TODO) Line in file/text that your match starts on  
    'lineEnd' => -1,   // (not implemented, @TODO) Line in file/text that your match ends on  
    'text' => $text,   //  
    'regIndex' => null,  